I am not going to the party unless Carol is going. I am not going to the party if Carol is not going. I will trash the sandwich unless you want eat it. I will trash your sandwich if you don't want to eat it. You can't win the lottery unless you buy a ticket dad.

The present conditional is used to express wishes such as I would like. You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket dad. A variety of exercises will reinforce your ability to manipulate the French. You will stay home unless you come with us.

You will stay home if you don't come with us. Unless you leave immediately, I will call the police.Īli must study harder or she won't pass the final exam.Īli won't pass the final exam unless she studies harder. I will call the police or you will leave immediately. You can't understand the lesson unless you listen carefully. Example: I wish I could (can) understand what the man is saying. You can't earn more money unless you work harder.Ĭ. I28 Gramtica da Lngua Inglesa Unreal Past Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.

wishes We use the verb wish and the expression if only to express a wish. Theresa can't eat unless her mother lets her.ī. Conditionals Grammar and exercises María Argente del Castillo of 12. Unless is often used in warnings, instead of unless it is possible to say if. We use unless to make an exception to something we say. 1)/ "e cou&dn’t ,ind a so&ution.If Clauses Quizzes Unless means except if. The expressions I wish and If only are used in English to express wishes and regrets about things that may happen in the future or may have happened in. #/ $e haven’t got a car #/ $e wish………………………… …………………………. wish sth + past wish the weather were describes the situation at the moment it imagines a different present wish sth + would wish the weather would describes the future it imagines a hoped-for future Sentence 1 uses the past perfect, so it means that people bothered Steinbeck some time before he made this wish.